Green Light Suppresses Cell Growth but Enhances Photosynthetic Rate and MIB Biosynthesis in PE-Containing Pseudanabaena


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

1 State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2 Sino-Danish College, Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
3 School of Civil Engineering, Chang’an University
4 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Correspondence: Ming Su <>, Min Yang <>

Supplementary Material

Figures and/or tables are provided below as the supplementary evidences to the main text.

Fig. S1: The cell density (A) and MIB concentration (B) of MIB-producing Pseudanabaena cinerea under different light color.

Fig. S2: The cellular MIB yield of MIB-producing Pseudanabaena cinerea under different light color (A) and culture time (B).

Fig. S3: The expression level (expressed in log10FPKM) of genes encoding phycobilisomes (PE:cpeD, cpeU, and cpeY; PC: cpcA; APC: apcE; chlorophyll: chlG, chlH, and chlN), photosystem II (psbC), photosystem I (psaB and psaF), photoelectron transfer pigments (petD) of MIB-producing Pseudanabaena cinerea under green light and red light.

Fig. S4: The detailed biosynthesis pathway of carbon fixation in MIB-producing Pseudanabaena cinerea. Pink symbols represented the up-regulated genes under green light compared to red light.

Fig. S5: The up-regulated and down-regulated pathways under green light compared to red light at pathway levels 2. Pink and blue symbols represented the up-regulated and down-regulated pathways by green light compared to red light.

Fig. S6: The up-regulated and down-regulated pathways under green light compared to red light. The Metabolism, environmental information processing, genetic information processing, and cell growth and death are the physiological functions at pathway level 1.

Fig. S7: The MIB yield per chl a production of MIB-producing Pseudanabaena cinerea under different light color.
Pathway level3 Pathway level1 Gene Num Richfactor p-value
Photosynthesis-antenna proteins Metabolism 15 0.5172 0.0000
Ribosome Genetic Information Processing 19 0.3585 0.0000
Carbon fixation Metabolism 8 0.5333 0.0000
Photosynthesis Metabolism 17 0.2982 0.0000
Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis Metabolism 10 0.3846 0.0001
RNA degradation Genetic Information Processing 8 0.3478 0.0015
Pentose phosphate pathway Metabolism 6 0.3529 0.0054
Glyoxylate and dicarboxylate metabolism Metabolism 6 0.3333 0.0074
Citrate cycle (TCA cycle) Metabolism 4 0.3333 0.0287
Pyruvate metabolism Metabolism 6 0.2400 0.0383
Cysteine and methionine metabolism Metabolism 6 0.1875 0.1069
Bacterial secretion system Environmental Information Processing 4 0.2667 0.0618
Starch and sucrose metabolism Metabolism 4 0.2500 0.0759
Biotin metabolism Metabolism 3 0.2308 0.1452
Sulfur metabolism Metabolism 4 0.2353 0.0915
Protein export Genetic Information Processing 3 0.2000 0.1988
Sulfur relay system Genetic Information Processing 3 0.2000 0.1988
Terpenoid backbone biosynthesis Metabolism 3 0.21429 0.1714
Table S1: The enrichment pathways of Pseudanabaena cinerea in response to different light color.